China Animals
The Yulin Dog Meat Festival: 10 Views From Chinese Netizens
These are ten different Chinese perspectives on the controversial Yulin Dog Meat Festival.

8 years agoon

The Yulin Dog Meat Festival is an annual event that has become more and more controversial, both in China as well as internationally. What are the main views on the controversial dog-eating festival on Chinese social media? Here are 10 opinions and comments from Weibo users.
The annual Yulin Dog Meat Festival (玉林狗肉节) is taking place again this year, starting from June 21. Although many dog lovers and animal welfare campaigners from around the world call on the Chinese government to stop the festival and its dog meat industry, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying already clarified in 2016 that the Yulin government has never supported nor organized the festival.
The annual event, that celebrates the summer solstice by eating lychees and dog meat, has been drawing controversy since 2010. It is a ten-day festival that is organized by locals. Since China has no law that bans the eating of dogs, the festival itself is not illegal.
Its legal status, however, does not stop the controversy. It is estimated that around 10.000 dogs are slaughtered during the ten-day festival, and Chinese welfare groups gather in Yulin to protest the tradition. In previous years, there have been altercations between stall owners and activists trying to rescue dogs.
This year, it is likely that more clashes will occur. One activist in Yulin told BBC she was prevented by police from entering the market where live dogs presumably were on sale. The night before the festival, China-based Dutch journalist Marcel Vink said on Twitter that he was put out of his Yulin hotel: “Wow, kicked out of my hotel in the night, suddenly no foreigner acceptance, after hours. And all hotels in town suddenly full.”
What do people on Weibo have to say about the festival amidst all the contention? Here are ten different views and comments on the Dog Meat Festival controversy, from ten different Weibo netizens.
1. “I oppose the dog meat festival!”
Many people on Chinese social media deem the eating of dog meat immoral due to the relationship between humans and dogs, and the role of dogs in human lives.
One message that was copy-pasted and shared by dozens of netizens on Weibo today says:
“I oppose the dog meat festival! I don’t eat dog meat! I would dread eating the dog that has guarded and protected his family for the most part of his life. I would dread eating the playmate of a young child. I would dread eating a retired police dog. I would dread eating the eyes of a blind man.”
Overall, many netizens on Weibo express this sentiment. A young woman from Xinjiang responds:
“Every time I say that I am against eating dog meat, there is always a group of people who will say: ‘Chickens, ducks, fish, and cows are all living animals too, then you shouldn’t eat them either!’ Well, have you ever seen a duck guiding the blind, or a chicken tracking down narcotics? Will a fish come and welcome you when you come home? After an earthquake, whose paws are it that will drag you from underneath the ground? What cow will stay by your side in times of danger? Resist the dog meat festival! It’s okay not to love dogs, but don’t hurt them.”
2. “Just a Chinese tradition.”
One person writes:
“I find this all [all the controversy] very strange, the Dog Meat Festival is just a tradition. We can’t do this anymore, we can’t do that anymore – what’s actually left of Chinese traditions with thousands of years of history? (..) Look at yourself before judging another.”
This is a sentiment that is expressed by many other people on Weibo. A typical comment says: “I don’t eat dog meat myself, but I do respect other people’s right to eat dog meat.”
3. “You’re giving China a hard time.”
There are also people who think the protestors do not reflect well on China.
One man from Nanning, Guangxi, writes:
“Even if there is no Dog Meat Festival, there are still dog meat traders. All you pure leftists should stop your useless actions. Those of you scolding Yulin should know that Yulin is a part of Guangxi, and Guangxi is a part of China. If you’re giving Yulin a hard time, you’re giving Guangxi a hard time, you’re giving China a hard time.”
4. “What else should we do with unsold dogs on the dog market?”
Weibo netizen @sven_shi points out the alleged hypocrisy of the anti-Yulin campaigners when he says:
“If you run into people who want to rescue dogs, you can ask them one thing and they’ll look foolish. What should we do with the dogs on the dog breeding [pet] market that still aren’t sold after six months? The answer, in fact, is really clear: they will be sold for slaughter. The market can’t provide for the dogs that aren’t sold. The Tibetan mastiffs that aren’t sold will go into a dog stew. If the real dog lovers ideally don’t want any dogs to be killed, they should block the door to the dog market, and take home all the dogs that are left over. Because the reason that dogs are killed is in the dog market.”
5. “Don’t rob people of their livelihood because of your love for dogs.”
A popular blogger from Beijing holds a similar view when he says:
“Since you are animal activists, you should go and buy all living dogs and pay the price for which their meat is sold.”
They continue:
“Those people there make a living by selling dog meat. Does your love for dogs mean that you should rob other people of their livihood? In any way, I won’t go there and buy dog meat, but you also won’t allow other people to buy it. Then go and buy it all yourself!”
6. “You shouldn’t blame all Yulin people for this.”
Some people who come from Yulin (a city of 6.9 million people) also respond on Weibo. This girl writes:
“As a person from Yulin, I feel innocent. Firstly, because I don’t eat dog meat. Second, because I don’t kill. Third, I am just one small citizen. It’s enough for you to curse the dog meat festival – you shouldn’t curse all people of Yulin. Some of you keyboard warriors are just too vulgar. You are the ones with a problem, even more so than those who eat dog meat!”
7. “Don’t force your moral point of view on other people.”
Another person from Yulin also comments on Weibo, and says that loving dogs and eating dogs can go together.
“When it comes to the Dog Meat Festival, loving dogs and eating dogs are two separate things. To the dog activists I would like to say: don’t force your moral point of view on other people. I am from Yulin, and I’m also a dog lover. I’ve raised dogs. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like eating dog meat. Mao Zedong said: ‘Only when you eat dog meat will you know how tasty it is.'”
One woman from Guangdong takes a similar stance, but points out that the abuse that often comes with the dog meat market is unacceptable. She says:
“These days on Weibo I’ve seen so many ‘oppose the dog meat festival’ posts. Actually I also love cats, dogs, and animals a lot. But to be honest, I don’t really oppose it. Many people like to eat dog meat and it’s part of the food chain. I can understand it. But I do oppose the stealing of dogs, the abuse of dogs, and other illegal and immoral actions. I despise this behaviour.”
8. “I’m going, but I won’t touch any dog meat.”
There are also people who say they will visit the festival but not eat dog meat. The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival celebrates the Summer Solstice.
“Today is the Summer Solstice, and the Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival. I am meeting up with some friends. We’ll go out to eat some lychees. I won’t touch any dog meat.”
9. “Turning this into a special treat day for dogs.”
For other people, the Yulin festival is another reason to treat their own dog to snacks today. A female netizen by the name of ‘Flying Lolita‘ writes:
“Since the Yulin dog meat festival has started, I can’t help but notice how fat our own little Harry has become! Haha. I love him. And I just hope you all won’t eat dog meat.”
Many other people also post pictures of them cuddling their own dogs or cats on this day, turning the dog meat festival into a dog-loving day.
10. “The festival has become world famous.”
Ironically enough, there are also people who think the growing controversy and international attention for the festival is a positive thing. The dog meat festival hardly received any attention before the previous few years. The national focus on Yulin bring many outsiders to the city – some come to eat dog meat, others come to protest it.
As one young netizen from Guangxi says:
“The Lychee & Dog Meat Festival is here. Yesterday on the train, I heard people say: ‘Even foreigners are now coming to Yulin for the dog meat! Never in my life would I’ve imagined that the traditional feast I grew up with would at one time become so world-famous!”
As the ‘world-famous’ Yulin festival has started, so has the turmoil surrounding it. On June 21st around 18.00 Beijing time, some netizens post photos of cars driving around the festival with ‘dog activists belong to an evil cult’ signs, and other photos of people holding up signs to condemn the festival. Despite all the disagreements and different views, one thing is certain: as long as the Yulin festival continues, so will the controversy.

“Resist the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. Respect life. Care for animals.”

“Dog activists [dog-loving-people] are an evil cult.”
By Manya Koetse
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China Animals
Outrage over Chinese Food Blogger Torturing Cat in Online Video
Chinese food vlogger Xu Zhihui (徐志辉) was part of a cat abuse chat group on QQ.

2 years agoon
April 28, 2023
A shocking and extremely cruel video in which a Chinese wanghong (online influencer) tortures a stolen cat has sparked outrage on Chinese social media.
The person involved is the Anhui-based food blogger/vlogger Xu Zhihui (徐志辉), who runs multiple accounts, including a Bilibili account with more than 400,000 followers and a Weibo account with over 20,000 fans (@杰克辣条). Xu is mostly known for posting videos of himself cooking and eating food.
The cat abuse incident happened on April 15 in Funan County’s Lucheng, Anhui Province, where the 29-year-old Xu filmed his horrific acts, including tying up the cat, binding it to a tree, cutting its paws, and burning it alive. He then uploaded the video and shared it to a QQ group dedicated to cat abuse. It later circulated around social media, triggering outrage.
According to screenshots that leaked online and the very fact Xu was part of a cruel ‘cat abuse chat group,’ this probably was not the first time for him to torture animals.
According to a police statement, authorities received reports about the stolen cat and the abuse video on April 26th, after which they immediately launched an investigation.
On April 27th, Xu posted an apology on his Weibo channel, in which he said he felt ashamed and sorry for what he did and that he was willing to bear “all the consequences” of his actions. He also wrote that he was being criticized and held accountable by both the public security bureau and Internet authorities. “Please give me another chance,” he wrote. The comments on the post were switched off.
A noteworthy part of Xu’s online apology is that it has a dedicated Weibo hashtag page including a ‘topic summary’ in which Xu apologized. The hashtag page was hosted by Toutiao News. The mix of the personal message by Xu on a hashtag page hosted by Chinese media seems to indicate that these parties worked together in spreading Xu’s words about how remorseful he allegedly is (#偷猫拍虐猫视频网红道歉#).
The comment sections suggest that most people will not forgive Xu for what he did. Many people say the story makes them feel sick to their stomach, and that the idea of ‘cat abuse’ chat groups makes their skin crawl.
“People like this do not change,” one person wrote. “Give you another chance?! Did you give that kitty a chance?!”
“Today he abuses a cat, tomorrow he kills a person. Straight to hell with him,” others wrote: “Go die!”
Xu’s actions are regarded as “negatively impacting society” and he currently is detained in Funan in accordance with the Public Security Administrative Punishments Law. His Bilibili account currently also displays a message that it is getting banned.
Although there are various laws in China regarding wildlife and the protection of animals, there currently is no national law that is explicitly against animal cruelty for all animals. Some legal bloggers explored under which laws Xu could be punished for his actions other than the abuse itself, such as stealing a cat and also uploading such a video to the internet (#虐待无主流浪猫狗或不被处罚#, #公共场合虐待动物并传播视频或犯罪#).
In recent years, voices calling for better laws on animal abuse in China have grown louder. In 2020, after a horrific story of a Chinese security guard pouring scalding water over a cat went viral, Chinese media outlet CCTV called out for a rapid legislation against animal abuse. That same video was shared in light of this incident again.
In 2021, home security cameras captured how anti-epidemic workers beat a pet dog to death in Shangrao. This also caused an online storm over animal abuse during ‘zero Covid.’
“I strongly call for legislation, [we must] defend the bottom line of morality,” some commenters now write: “We will never forgive this.”
By Manya Koetse
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China Animals
Meanwhile in Panda News: Panda Talk during Macron’s China Visit, Yaya Set to Return to China in Late April
Panda updates! From Yaya in Memphis to Qiqi in Shanghai, these are the pandas that went trending this month.

2 years agoon
April 9, 2023
Panda news flash! After French President Macron’s China state visit, news of France hoping to lengthen the stay of panda celebrities Huan Huan and Yuan Zi in Beauval went trending on Weibo, along with the news that Memhpis-based Yaya is not coming home to China this week.
It is time for another update on what’s been going on in panda news recently for this second What’s on Weibo ‘meanwhile in panda news’ column to give you more insights into all the trending panda topics, including the controversies and politics surrounding them.
What’s been trending recently? There has been a lot of panda-related news. The following topics have been trending recently.
Hashtags: #马克龙想续租大熊猫#, #法国博瓦勒动物园想续租大熊猫#
In 1973, Chinese giant pandas Yen Yen and Li Li arrived at Zoo de Vincennes in Paris. The two pandas were gifted to French President Georges Pompidou by Zhou Enlai as part of China’s famous panda diplomacy. (Funny fact: the pair were originally thought to be male and female but were later discovered to be two males.)
Now, exactly fifty years later, President Emmanuel Macron is in China with his delegation. Apart from all the major issues such as EU-China relations and the war in Ukraine, ‘panda politics’ are also on the agenda.
Macron arrived in Beijing on April 5 as part of his state visit to China. Among the delegates and business leaders joining Macron, there is also Rodolphe Delord. Delord is the director of the ZooParc de Beauval, a French zoological park that is one of the largest in Europe.
The pandas Huan Huan (欢欢) and Yuan Zi (圆仔) are currently residing in the park. They arrived in France in 2012 as part of a decade-long research & conservation cooperation project between the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding and ZooParc de Beauval. Their arrival was also seen as a warming of China-France relations.
In 2017, they had a baby cub named Yuan Meng. In 2021, Huan Huan again gave birth to twin cubs Huan Lili and Yuan Dudu.
The park previously indicated it would like to lengthen the duration of their agreement so that Yuan Zi and Huan Huan can stay in France for the time to come. They are also called “the stars of Beauval.”
During Macron’s visit, the hashtags “Macron Wants to Renew Giang Panda Lease” (#马克龙想续租大熊猫#) and “French Beauval Zoo Wants to Renew the Giant Panda Lease” went trending (#法国博瓦勒动物园想续租大熊猫#).
The French President apparently has an affinity with pandas. As part of his 40th birthday celebrations, Macron met the baby panda Yuan Meng back in 2017. Macron’s wife Brigitte became the cub’s ‘godmother.’ It has not been reported yet at this point if there already is an agreement about the extended lease.
Hashtags: #孟菲斯提醒未经许可直播丫丫违规#, #丫丫#, #孟菲斯动物园将为丫丫举办告别派对#, #丫丫正式移交中方#
Panda Yaya (丫丫), who has been living in America’s Memphis Zoo for two decades, has been a big topic on Chinese social media platforms this year because netizens have been very concerned about her skinny and seemingly unhealthy appearance and how she is being treated in the U.S. (the heightening political tensions between the US and China have not exactly eased these concerns).
According to the American care team, Yaya has been suffering from a chronic skin and fur condition which is related to her immune system and hormonal fluctuations. They claim the condition does not affect her quality of life and that they are closely monitoring Yaya.
Yaya was previously scheduled to return to China in early April of 2023. Yaya’s Memphis Zoo stay was part of a long joint conservation and research project between the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens and the U.S. with an agreement duration of ten years, which was extended by ten more years in 2013.
On April 7, the day that Yaya was allegedly scheduled to leave Memphis, it was reported that Memphis Zoo was organizing a ‘goodbye’ event, giving visitors the time to bid farewell to Yaya before she starts her journey to China at the end of April 2023. A related topic received over 170 million clicks on Weibo on Friday (#孟菲斯动物园将为丫丫举办告别派对#).
On Saturday, Yaya got snacks and even a special cake during the goodbye event, which also included Chinese cultural performances.
Although visitors have been livestreaming Yaya at the Memphis Zoo, Chinese state media reported earlier in April that the zoo reminded visitors not to record livestreams of Yaya as it goes against their policies.
This also became a hot topic on Chinese social media: “[Yaya] needs to be livestreamed, all the way until she returned to China,” some said, with others writing: “It’s not hard to understand why they don’t want Yaya to be livestreamed.”
Some netizens and panda fans are disappointed that they will still have to wait for the female panda to return to China. “Why won’t she come to China before late April? Why why why!?”
Although Yaya fans in China will still need to wait for the panda to return, she has officially been handed over to China and a joint team of American and Chinese carers will prepare her for the big trip home (#丫丫正式移交中方#).
Hashtags: #七七确诊肠梗阻将进行手术#, #熊猫七七#
While many people are waiting for Yaya’s return, they are also worried about another panda that is Shanghai-based. As one of the most famous pandas living in the Shanghai Wild Animal Park, Qiqi attracted attention on Chinese social media in February of 2023 because of her health problems.
The 4-year-old female panda had a CT scan that showed there was an intestinal blockage, and the panda was rushed to the hospital for surgery.
Funny detail – Dr Wang arrived at work that day and saw Mr. ‘Panda’ on the patient list, he thought it was a patient named ‘Panda’ (Xiong Mao) until he discovered it was an actual panda getting a CT scan. “We’re a regular hospital,” he said: “Our patients are usually all humans.”
Although intestinal blockage is not common, Qiqi’s older brother Ya’ao (雅奥), who also lived at the park, died of the same condition in March of 2022.
After the surgery, Qiqi received further treatment. According to the latest news at this time, Qiqi has stabilized and is no longer in life danger.
Many Qiqi fans and panda lovers are now waiting for new pictures showing a Qiqi who has, hopefully, fully recovered. “Why haven’t we received more updates?” some wonder.
Read more panda news here.
By Manya Koetse
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Eddie wood
June 22, 2017 at 8:01 pm
How in the name of God can anyone accept the brutal torture of the dogs and cats that are killed in the most heinous manner, SKINNED ALIVE, BOILED ALIVE, DISMEMBERING OF THEIR LIMBS WHILE ALIVE, BLUDGEON UNTILL THEY ARE SEMI CONSCIOUS AND ALL THIS IS DONE IN FRONT OF OTHER DOGS TO IN STILL ‘SHEER TERROR!’
How can anyone say this is ok? they are NOT KILLING THEM TO EAT, THEY ARE TORTURING THESE ANIMALS FOR THEIR OWN GRATIFICATION. Thousands of dogs and cats are killed and no way are thousands of people eating them!!! All animals have a nervous system and to know that they are skinned alive is utterly horrific, a dog or cat only wants to give and receive LOVE, AND THESE PEOPLE KILL THEM THIS WAY??? WHY?????
January 8, 2019 at 9:04 pm
It’s not so much the killing and eating moreso than the torture. We kill and eat animals and it’s not up to me what culture likes whatever particular meat they like. That’s not the problem. My problem is the way it’s done. Skinning them alive, holding them in small cages, throwing them in boiling water ALIVE, ignorantly believing that if they’re afraid before death, the meat is more tender. That is FALSE. When an animal is afraid, they release hormones that toughen muscles not soften them, and either way it would not be consistent enough to change the taste or texture of the meat. It is savage. I have nothing against eating the meat. I oppose the torture. No torture of a living thing with feelings and nerve endings should me allowed in the WORLD! It’s called empathy. If we don’t have empathy, we are not human beings!, we are animals! Picture yourself as that dog and what he’s feeling. Have some MERCY
June 23, 2017 at 6:05 am
Ban the torture of cats and dogs! I hope the ones that eat them live to suffer bad luck and contract the worst disease contained within their own chain of relations!
tu suying
June 26, 2017 at 7:41 am
I have watched PETA videos of cows and pigs getting slaughters in the US and being torn apart while still being alive, male chicks ground to death, lobsters boiled alive (no from PETA video). Why love one and eat another.
Bullshit argument from Hypocrites:
1. Dogs and Cats are more intelligent – Research shows that pigs are as intelligent as dogs.
2. some are meant for meat and some are for companionship – Hindus consider eating cows as barbaric and yet they are slaughters in millions especially in the west.
Please don’t shove your morality over others.
Thank you.
June 27, 2017 at 10:34 pm
Okay, but have you ever seen a cow guide the blind? Or heard of a chicken rescue someone from the wreck after a natural disaster? Or a pig fight and help men in war? No I didn’t think so. Everyone knows the meat insutry as a whole is often cruel and horrible. But that does NOT JUSTIFY this cruelty to a species which has saved lives and have ALWAYS been there for humans through good and bad. Why extend the list of animals getting tortured? Shouldn’t we start stopping the cruelty? Then why not start with this? It’s merely a step towards a kinder world.
July 4, 2018 at 10:47 am
Stupid comments. “Oh but have you seen a cow guide the blind” … Eye roll. Does if matter?! If you eat cows but oppose dog meat and will condemn dog meat eaters you are a hypocrite and the reason evil thrives.
Yulin Is Pure Evil
April 2, 2018 at 11:25 am
They’re all evil, cruel and disgusting, you stupid Chinese idiot.
June 23, 2017 at 10:36 am
This is sick …It’s gross I could never eat my pet …Dogs and cats are house animals they are a part of family…This needs to “Stop ” Stop making excuses of how this is a tradition in culture. Dogs are like humans they feel and think like us ….We live in a future here were not living the old ages !!! I respect every culture but not when it comes to eating a dog or cat or brutally killing them it’s disgusting. These people have no souls they have no feelings …They need education .
June 23, 2017 at 10:55 am
We all come from different cultures and we all have a tradition…But there’s a limit to everything …Some animals are not ment to be eaten, chicken and fish is not a dog or a cat …These animals are a lovable pets specially dogs they are very loyal to their human companions , they love you til the day you die…How dare you hear the cries of these sweet animals how can you bare it listening to their cries when they are being tortured alive…This is barbaric it’s disturbing. I read these articles and I can’t stop balling my eyes out . THIS NEEDS TO END NOW “STOP” KILLING DOGS AND CAT FOR GODDESS SAKE.!!!????????????????????
July 4, 2018 at 10:53 am
“Some animals are not meant to be eaten” I hope you realize one day that you are the reason this happens. That mentality of well some are okay to eat but some aren’t. Don’t you realize you are part of a whole group that eats animals, whether it is a dog or cat or chicken, it is wrong. And the Chinese will NEVER stop eating dogs until you stop eating chickens.
Kelly Schadt-Kelly
June 23, 2017 at 11:55 am
I cannot understand the killing of dogs for the purpose of eating. I love my pet dog and could never sell her or have her slaughtered for meat. However, I do not oppose the act of consuming any animal for food. From what I understand, some cultures value cows, but I love beef hamburgers and steaks. I don’t see them picketing my local grocery for selling beef flank steaks! Still, the abuse of any animal before slaughter is horrendous! Why torture? In front of other animals? If it is truly for meat, the release of adrenaline ruins the taste of meat! Dumbass slaughters! No animal should be tortured, stolen, and brutalized before death for the pleasure of a crowd!
June 27, 2017 at 10:45 pm
To the people who say: “But you all probably eat other animals, that are also killed horribly, why is that okay? Blah, blah” I’m sure everyone knows that other animals are also killed. Yes, we know farm animals are often treated like shit. And yes many people do eat meat and still oppose dog meat. Why? Because dogs are NOT farm animals! “But everyone has different cultures and we eat animals that other cultures consdier saint”. Yea, but who says I agree with the meat industry as a whole? I myself don’t eat much meat, and try to buy from companies which have shown video footage of better care for their livestock. Besides, dogs have been a COMPANION animal for humans since the beginning of time. Look at all they’ve done for us! Guide the visually impaired, search and rescue, police work (locating drugs and bombs and helping officers catch criminals), therapy dogs who help patients with anxiety/depression or other disorders, helping men in war, protecting our homes, herding livestock or simply being SOMEONE’S BEST FRIEND. Have you ever seen a sheep or a cow do all that? No. I’m not saying I agree with how the meat industry treats them. But don’t use their suffering to justify this horrible cruelty. Why extend the number of animals getting toruted? Why not work towards kindness? And dogs sure as hell deserve better than this.
Yulin Is Pure Evil
April 2, 2018 at 11:18 am
They are ALL vile. Any cruelty to animals is wrong. You can’t say farm animals deserve it slightly more because they’re less intelligent, you’re being almost as bad as the Chinese. Think about it.
July 23, 2017 at 10:19 pm
For me it’s totally fine to kill dogs and eat them since everyone kills the cows/chicken and fish in a PAINFUL way and NO ONE CARES, Kill them all so people can stop being such HYPOCRITE
Yulin Is Pure Evil
April 2, 2018 at 11:22 am
Wow, you would let innocent animals suffer when they have NOTHING to do with the barbaric practises that go on world wide to other animals just to make a point. You obviously don’t care about animals at all and are like these evil people. You are disgusting.