What’s on Weibo is an independently-run news site reporting on the trending topics on Chinese social media since 2013. To stay updated on the social heartbeat of China and get our newsletter, subscribe here. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Linkedin.
What’s on Weibo is an independent news site, led by Manya Koetse, dedicated to reporting social trends in an ever-changing China. What’s on Weibo sheds light on Chinese social media, dynamic digital culture, and the key shifts shaping modern China.
With a strong focus on China’s online media environment, What’s on Weibo aims to explain the story behind the hashtag and in doing so, hopes to build a small bridge between Western and Chinese online media spheres. It is meant for people and companies to create a deeper understanding of China today and the growing importance of the Internet, social media, digital developments, brands, and popular culture in the PRC. We report on prominent trends, as well as the stories behind the headlines, on major social media platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, Bilibili, and Xiaohongshu.
What’s on Weibo is fully independent, and is not affiliated with Sina Weibo in any way. There’s no major news site backing us, no political parties supporting us, and no big brands sponsoring us. Please subscribe here to support us!
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