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China Fashion & Beauty

Freedom of Dress or Child Sexualization? China’s “Milky-Spicy Style” Fashion Trend Sparks Online Debate

An entire online economy has developed around the ‘Milky-Spicy Trend,’ which is embraced by some parents highlighting its innocence while disregarding potential negative consequences.

Zilan Qian



Some parents think it’s cute, others think it is funny. Dressing children in tight dresses and grown-up attire has evolved into a trend evident in the numerous e-commerce stores showcasing an array of adult-like clothing options for kids. But recently, Chinese media outlets and social media commenters are pointing out the dangers behind the trend.

Backless dresses, off-shoulder tops, high heels… Within China, the once-trending “spicy girl style” has extended its impact from young adults to children, sparking debates over the rise of the controversial “Milky-Spicy Style” trend. Tender-aged girls, some as young as four or five, are now seen wearing revealing and alluring attire, echoing mature fashion selections.

On Chinese social media platforms such as Xiaohongshu, bloggers are sharing advice on styling children, mostly young girls around the age of five, to portray a sense of “hotness” or grown-up allure. Many of these outfits simply emulate clothing designed for adult women and seem to be all about pleasing adults rather than being suitable and comfortable for young children.

By now, the clothing style has come to be known as “milky spicy,” combining the character for “milk” (奶), often used in words referring to child-like and sweet or innocent things, and “spicy” (辣) simply meaning “hot” or “sexy.”

The phrase “milky-spicy style” (nǎilàfēng 奶辣风) has even gained traction as a slogan on e-commerce platforms, where numerous vendors market children’s clothing featuring revealing or form-fitting outfits, often using carefully positioned images of young models.

Photos taken of young models from certain angles that would be more suitable for adult photos.

Chinese state media outlet People’s Daily recently published an opinion piece on its online platform, titled “People’s Daily Online’s Commentary on the Trend of ‘Milky-Spicy Style'” (#人民网评奶辣风流行#). The article addressed concerns about the emergence of this new fashion trend, asserting that it potentially exploits young children by capitalizing on the contrast between their sexualized attire and their innocent appearances in order to gain attention.

Example of “milky-spicy style” trend, source.

The article cautioned parents against blindly embracing this trend, highlighting the potential negative impact of fostering unhealthy mindsets that encourage young girls to seek attention through these kinds of mature clothing choices.

This perspective garnered support from various media outlets, including Xinjin News, Beijing Daily, and Guangming Daily, all reiterating that promoting provocative clothing for young girls is an unhealthy trend.

Pro Milky-Spicy Style: Defending Freedom of Dress

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the opinion piece has triggered a backlash from individuals who prioritize “clothing freedom” (穿衣自由) and female self-expression, rather than focusing on the potential risks associated with children wearing age-inappropriate attire. They perceive the criticism of the “milky-spicy style” as a move to exert authority over women’s bodies and encroach upon their right to dress as they choose.

Examples of “Milky-Spicy Style” included in the Weibo post by People Daily Online.

One netizen characterizes the perspective presented by People’s Daily as form of ‘mansplaining’ (“爹味说教”), implying that the text is condescending and disregards the freedom of girls and women to choose their attire without being concerned about men’s opinions.

One Weibo user accusing for arrogantly and self-righteously criticizing women’s dressing, scrutinizing and controlling their freedom.

Others consider the concern about sexualizing children’s bodies to be an unnecessary interpretation rooted in the long-standing “patriarchal gaze” prevalent in society, which they think is shaped by a male-centric lens.

They accuse those protesting the “milky-spicy style” of having an ingrained mindset that links all aspects of women’s bodies to sexuality. Under the hashtag (#人民网评奶辣风流行#), netizens are sharing a quote by famous Chinese writer Lu Xun (鲁迅): “The sight of women’s short sleeves at once makes them think of bare arms, of the naked body, the genitals, copulation, promiscuity, and bastards. This is the sole respect in which the Chinese have a lively imagination.”1

Anti Milky-Spicy Style: Concerns about the Sexualization of Children

But those supporting the recent “milky-spicy style” trend seem to be in the minority, as most people don’t agree that the concept of “freedom of dress” applies to children wearing such attire. A netizen questions, “When we talk about clothing freedom, whose freedom are we really talking about? Are these young girls actually making their own clothing choices?”

It’s apparent that the “milky-spicy style” closely imitates women’s clothing, making it unlikely that the trend is solely influenced by the preferences of four-year-old girls; instead, it seems to be parents who are imposing their preferred fashion on their kids.

Besides, the style is not only about the clothes themselves, but also about the accessories, the way these girls are photographed in certain poses, and the social media exposure that comes with it.

Photos of a young girl in tight dresses and lace tank top making poses in front of the camera (source).

An article from Legal Daily reporting about parents posting photos of their children dressed in the “milky-spicy style” also reiterates how this is about more than clothes alone. Parents publish photos of their kids while not only revealing their chests and waists but also adorning them with small clutch bags, pearl necklaces, and vivid red nail polish on their toes.

Moreover, many young girls are often guided to pose in a “sexy” manner, adopting confident hip tilts, waist twists, and shoulder positions. Certain blogs also pair these images with potentially contentious captions like “they say they want to steal my daughter” or “they say this is the style fathers don’t allow my daughter to wear.”

An e-commerce seller promoting “milky-spicy style” outfits (Screenshot by What’s on Weibo).

“It’s not about how much skin is shown; it’s about the underlying sexualization of children and the implied presence of pedophilia,” one Weibo user commented, countering the advocates of ‘clothing freedom.’

A photo posted on Xiaohongshu that specifically features the child’s leg and feet in pink pumps, with the caption “they say they want to steal my daughter” (source)

Numerous others joined the discussion, highlighting that it is the entire picure of clothes, poses, expressions, and camera angles that makes the trend problematic. “When you witness children deliberately aligning their clothing choices and behavior with adult aesthetics, it’s undoubtedly abnormal,” another Weibo user remarked, attributing the “milky-spicy style” to nothing more than the sexualization of children to cater to adult desires.

Beyond ‘Sharenting’

For years, the phenomenon of ‘sharenting’ or shàiwá (晒娃), where parents excessively share photos of their children online, has prompted concerns among experts regarding children’s right to privacy and how their parents’ social media posts about them might impact their future (read here).

However, the ‘milky-spicy’ trend takes things a step further, raising worries that it not only sexualizes children, using them as tools to generate online attention, but also sparks concerns about its potential impact on children’s mental well-being and physical health.

Some critics point out that dressing children in tight clothing is not only uncomfortable but may reduce healthy blood flow and cause irritation and pain, while walking in high heels might even hurt muscle development in growing bodies.

Moreover, this fashion trend instills the idea in children’s minds that beauty is synonymous with sexiness, and that the purpose of dressing is to please others. In its opinion piece, People’s Daily highlighted a case in a Shanghai kindergarten where the teacher reported young girls competing to wear more revealing clothes. The article remarked on the shift from children being dressed by their parents to actively wanting to wear ‘milky-spicy’ clothes: “They are no longer concerned with the beauty and comfort of the clothing itself; instead, they have learned to enjoy and pursue the psychological pleasure of being noticed and seeking attention.”

At present, stopping the trend is nearly impossible, as a complete economy has developed around this fashion style. Many parents willingly embrace it, highlighting its innocence while ignoring potential negative consequences.

However, Chinese online media discussions and state media articles do contribute to alerting parents about the possible risks of dressing their children like adults. A recent survey by the Sichuan Observer indicated that a majority of respondents find the fashion style “inappropriate.”

“Sexualizing children isn’t the same as freedom of dress,” some argue, “Precautions should be taken against predators.” But still there are many who do not see a problem: “Your kids, your choice,” some commenters express, “Though personally, I would never dress my own child like that.”

By Zilan Qian

1 From The Selected Works of Lu Xun, “一见短袖子,立刻想到白臂膊,立刻想到全裸体,立刻想到生殖器,立刻想到性交,立刻想到杂交,立刻想到私生子。中国人的想像惟在这一层能够如此跃进。”


This article has been edited for clarity by Manya Koetse


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China Fashion & Beauty

“No Kimonos Allowed” – Ongoing Debate on Japanese Attire in China

A Chinese girl who was refused entry to a local comic convention for wearing a ‘kimono’ raised questions about whether restrictions on Japanese attire were motivated by historical sensitivities or gender bias.

Manya Koetse



An incident from earlier in July continues to spark discussions on Chinese social media about wearing Japanese-style clothing and where to draw the line between freedom of dress and banning attire deemed too sensitive.

The incident occurred in Jinan on July 20, when a girl wearing a Japanese yukata was refused entry to a local comic convention due to her attire. A yukata is similar to a kimono but more casual and lightweight, usually worn during the summer.

A video of the incident went viral, showing the girl dressed as Nezuko Kamado, a main character in the manga series Demon Slayer. The person filming, presumably the security guard at the venue, tells the girl she cannot enter dressed in a kimono and sends her away. “We don’t allow kimonos,” he says. “This is China.”

Screenshots of the video by RFA.

Although many applaud the decision to refuse Japanese traditional clothing at the convention, some commenters express frustration over such regulations at an anime convention, given that much of anime culture originates from Japan.

“With such a rule, why even bother holding an anime convention at all? Everything comes from Japan,” one top comment said.

“This is not even normal Japanese traditional clothing; it’s cosplay,” another person wrote.

Some people, however, point out that there are more cosplay events in China where dressing in Japanese-style attire goes against the rules, and suggest that this girl should have known better.

Sensitive Fashion

This is not the first time discussions over kimono-wearing women have flared up in China. One notable incident happened in the summer of 2022, when a Chinese female cosplayer dressed in a Japanese summer kimono while taking pictures in Suzhou’s ‘Little Tokyo’ area was taken away by local police for ‘provoking trouble’ (read more).

Later, in September 2023, a draft amendment to China’s Public Security Administration Punishments Law (治安管理处罚法) to ban clothing that “hurts national feelings” also triggered social media debates about freedom of dress and cultural sensitivities.

The issue that concerned people the most was the vague definition included in the amendment, namely, “harming or hurting the spirit and feelings of the Chinese nation” (“伤害中华民族精神、感情”). Although Chinese state media indicated that the clause targets provocative actions to attract public attention, such as wearing Japanese military uniforms at sensitive sites, legal experts and social media users expressed apprehensions regarding its ambiguity, wondering who determines what qualifies as “harmful” in the end.

Among Chinese young people, cosplay (‘costume play’) has become increasingly popular in recent years. Cosplay allows people to be something they are not—a superhero, a villain, a sex bomb—sometimes Chinese, American, or Japanese. Would a change to the law prevent them from role-playing?

A Gender Issue

Some people suggest that this is not only about wearing Japanese-style clothing but also about sexist ideas in China regarding what Chinese women can or cannot wear.

One Weibo user (@我见青山多可笑) thought it was especially unfair for the girl in Jinan to be denied entry in light of another recent incident where a man wearing a t-shirt with a Rising Sun flag design visited the Unit 731 Exhibition Hall, a museum about the biological and chemical warfare atrocities committed by the Japanese in Harbin during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

That incident happened on July 14. Although other visitors at the museum took offense and photographed the man wearing the t-shirt, nobody intervened. On Weibo, wearing such a t-shirt to the war museum was seen as an act of provocation (#男子在731部队罪证陈列馆穿太阳旗图案T恤#).

A man wearing a Japanese rising sun design while visiting a museum about war atrocities committed by Japanese in Harbin.

The Weibo user wrote: “This just shows that people’s sensitivity to Japanese clothing/Japanese culture is entirely divided by gender. If it’s a woman, it’s not allowed. If it’s a guy? Absolutely fine!”

Other commenters (@超级大酵母母母) agreed, saying: “The girl wasn’t wearing a traditional kimono; it was a cosplay outfit of a character. There were many male characters in Japanese-style clothing at the convention, but security did not stop them and only stopped the girl.”

In the end, regardless of political and gender implications, Chinese cosplay fans are just worried about the future of their beloved hobby: “If kimonos are not allowed at anime conventions, then there are so many characters that can’t be cosplayed. It’s just ridiculous!”

By Manya Koetse

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China Brands, Marketing & Consumers

Chinese Sun Protection Fashion: Move over Facekini, Here’s the Peek-a-Boo Polo

From facekini to no-face hoodie: China’s anti-tan fashion continues to evolve.

Manya Koetse



It has been ten years since the Chinese “facekini”—a head garment worn by Chinese ‘aunties’ at the beach or swimming pool to prevent sunburn—went international.

Although the facekini’s debut in French fashion magazines did not lead to an international craze, it did turn the term “facekini” (脸基尼), coined in 2012, into an internationally recognized word.

The facekini went viral in 2014.

In recent years, China has seen a rise in anti-tan, sun-protection garments. More than just preventing sunburn, these garments aim to prevent any tanning at all, helping Chinese women—and some men—maintain as pale a complexion as possible, as fair skin is deemed aesthetically ideal.

As temperatures are soaring across China, online fashion stores on Taobao and other platforms are offering all kinds of fashion solutions to prevent the skin, mainly the face, from being exposed to the sun.

One of these solutions is the reversed no-face sun protection hoodie, or the ‘peek-a-boo polo,’ a dress shirt with a reverse hoodie featuring eye holes and a zipper for the mouth area.

This sun-protective garment is available in various sizes and models, with some inspired by or made by the Japanese NOTHOMME brand. These garments can be worn in two ways—hoodie front or hoodie back. Prices range from 100 to 280 yuan ($13-$38) per shirt/jacket.

The no-face hoodie sun protection shirt is sold in various colors and variations on Chinese e-commerce sites.

Some shops on Taobao joke about the extreme sun-protective fashion, writing: “During the day, you don’t know which one is your wife. At night they’ll return to normal and you’ll see it’s your wife.”

On Xiaohongshu, fashion commenters note how Chinese sun protective clothing has become more extreme over the past few years, with “sunburn protection warriors” (防晒战士) thinking of all kinds of solutions to avoid a tan.

Although there are many jokes surrounding China’s “sun protection warriors,” some people believe they are taking it too far, even comparing them to Muslim women dressed in burqas.

Image shared on Weibo by @TA们叫我董小姐, comparing pretty girls before (left) and nowadays (right), also labeled “sunscreen terrorists.”

Some Xiaohongshu influencers argue that instead of wrapping themselves up like mummies, people should pay more attention to the UV index, suggesting that applying sunscreen and using a parasol or hat usually offers enough protection.

By Manya Koetse, with contributions by Miranda Barnes

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