“Impossible Challenge,” also known as “Beyond the Edge”(挑战不可能), is a large-scale Sunday evening challenge TV show by CCTV. The show’s main host is the well-known CCTV...
China's new music reality show Heroes of Remix has become a hot topic on Chinese social media since its first airing on Jiangsu TV. The show...
This is an extra background blog to the article: “We Could Be the Next Lei Yang” – Chinese Netizens on the Lei Yang Case. Although further...
Cui Jian (崔健, 1981) is a famous Beijing singer and musician who is often labeled ‘The Father of Chinese Rock’. He became especially well-known because of...
It has not even come out yet, but the new Chinese blockbuster 'Hotpot Hero' aka 'Chongqing Hotpot' (火锅英雄) is already number one in Weibo's must-see movie...
These are the 10 most popular TV dramas in mainland China in 2016.
Top TV drama 'The Imperial Doctress' (明代女医师) brings the most famous female doctor of the Ming Dynasty to the TV screen. Tan Yunxian (谈允贤), who lived...
The CCTV New Year’s Gala (also known as the CCTV Spring Festival Gala 中国中央电视台春节联欢晚会 or Spring Night –chunwan– 春晚) is an annual live television event that...
Kewang, China's First Soap Opera, caused a sensation across the nation. Sales of TV sets surged, and streets were empty when it aired. 'Yearnings' was the...
Coca Cola in China: The first crates of Coca Cola arrived in Beijing in 1979. The majority of Chinese people had only known the drink from...
Sina Weibo, often referred to as 'Weibo', is one of the biggest social media platforms of China. A short introduction to China's most popular micro-blogging service.
Not KFC or McDonald's, but Yili was China's very first fast food restaurant.
Where Are We Going, Dad? (爸爸去哪儿?) is a Chinese reality TV show. With viewer ratings of 75 million per episode, it is one of China’s major...
‘Happy Camp’ (快乐大本馆) is a prime time variety show aired by Hunan TV. It is one of China’s most popular TV shows. With a viewership of...
When China's First Television Commercial was aired, many viewers did not know what they were seeing. But it became a hype, and people wanted to buy...
China is the largest consumer of television drama in the world. What's on Weibo discusses China's most popular TV series of the summer of 2015.
What's WeChat? A Short Guide to China's Super App. WeChat currently is China’s most popular smartphone application, and it is winning over consumers within the mobile...